Award Recommendation How-To Page
This page displays all of the Barony of Aarquelle’s Awards and Orders including their Descriptions, Blazons, Heraldry, and Sample Basic Scroll Texts.
In Aarquelle, only our Orders are precedence altering. All awards do not alter precedence. Many of our awards may be received more than once to reflect new endeavors in that specific field.
We wish to thank all of those gentles who have worked so hard to make all of this happen. It all began with THL McKenna’s ideas for the overall structure, names, and badges. THL Ciaran, THL Ragnvaldr, HE Audrey, and numerous others have put many hours into getting all of this through the SCA’s Approval Process. We are all truly grateful.
MARTIAL: Award of the Mace of Aarquelle (Non-Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: The Mace is awarded to those participants in the Arts Martial who have made an effort to improve their skill and demeanor on the field or in the lists. This award may be awarded once per discipline. The disciplines are Heavy combat, Standard Rapier combat, Cut and Thrust Rapier combat, Archery, Combat archery, Combat projectile weapons (ballista, trebuchet, etc), Thrown weapons, Equestrian, and Marshaling/List Minister.
BLAZON: Azure, in fess three maces Or, a mountain of three peaks argent.
With firm resolve hear now the words of Baron______ and Baroness______ of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr). Having heard much of the martial prowess of _____ [recipient name] in arts of _________ [Armored Combat / Rapier / Archery / etc…] and thus enhancing the world fame of Our land of Aarquelle, We hereby award [him/her] the Mace of Aarquelle. We further bestow the right to bear the insignia To Wit: [INSERT BLAZON]. In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron___________________ Baroness____________________
Name passed on March 2018 LoAR, badge passed on Oct. 2018 LoAr
MARTIAL: Order of the Sword Bearers of Aarquelle (Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: Is awarded to those participants in the Art Martial of heavy combat who have continued to improve their prowess and have used their skills to serve the Barony of Aarquelle within the lists. As this is an Order it may be awarded only once. Membership in the Order requires the advice of the members and the consent of the Baron. The sitting Baron shall be the patron of the Order.
Before appointing members (after the premier) the Baron should consult with the order members, but is not required to follow their recommendations.
BLAZON: Azure, in fess three broadswords inverted Or, a bordure wavy argent.
(1 & 2) We, [NAME] & [NAME], Baron and Baroness of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr), send Greetings unto all to whom these presents shall come.
(3) Whereas, by advice and counsel, [RECIPIENT] has been found to possess great prowess with the weapons and skills of war,
(4) we do hereby prefer and create [him/her] as a Companion of the Sword Bearers of Aarquelle, to fulfill all duties and possess all rights pertaining thereunto, including the right to bear the badge of the order, to wit: Azure, in fess three broadswords inverted Or, a bordure wavy argent.
(5) Done by our hands this ___ day of ______, Anno Societatis ___,being ____ in the common reckoning of years.
______, Baron ______, Baroness
Name passed on March 2018 LoAR, badge passed on May 2018 LoAR
MARTIAL: Order of the Silver Fletching (Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: Is awarded to those who have developed a proficiency with archery, siege weapons, or thrown weapons and have implemented those skills for the betterment of the Barony of Aarquelle. This is an Order and thus may be received only once.
BLAZON: Azure, in fess three arrow fletchings argent.
(1 & 2) We, [NAME] & [NAME], Baron and Baroness of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr), send Greetings unto all to whom these presents shall come.
(3) Whereas, by advice and counsel, [RECIPIENT] has been found to possess great skill with the [bow/crossbow/etc…],
(4) we do hereby prefer and create [him/her] as a Companion of the Silver Fletching of Aarquelle, to fulfill all duties and possess all rights pertaining thereunto, including the right to bear the badge of the order, to wit: Azure, in fess three arrow fletchings argent..
(5) Done by our hands this ___ day of ______, Anno Societatis ___,being ____ Gregorian.
______, Baron ______, Baroness
Name and badge passed on April 2018 LoAR
MARTIAL: Order of the Silver Blade of Aarquelle (Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: Is awarded to those participants in the Art Martial of rapier combat who have continued to improve their prowess and have used their skills to serve the Barony of Aarquelle within the lists. As this is an Order it may be awarded only once. Membership in the Order requires the advice of the members and the consent of the Baroness. The sitting Baroness shall be the patroness of the Order.
BLAZON: Azure, in fess three rapiers, a mountain of three peaks argent.
(1) Unto all who come by these presents
(2) We, Baron [NAME] and Baroness [NAME] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) send Greetings
(3) Be it known that there are fine swordsmen living within our lands, grace-bound protectors whose merit deserves our acclaim. In recognition of [his/her] great acts of grace and skill at the art of the rapier in the Barony of Aarquelle {especially in or as…}.
(4) We do publicly commend [NAME] and do hereby prefer and advance [him/her] to the Order of the Silver Blade of Aarquelle. [She/He] shall be bestowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, To Wit, Azure, in fess three rapiers, a mountain of three peaks argent., that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she] is held by our Barony and ourselves.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron ___________________ Baroness____________________
Name passed on March 2108 LoAR, badge passed on May 2018 LoAR.
ARTS: Award of the Sun and Mountain of Aarquelle (Non-Precedence Altering)

DESRIPTION: Recognizes those who have developed longstanding and exceptional proficiency within the arts, and have actively worked to pass that talent along to others. This award may be received more than once.
BLAZON: Azure, a winged sun and a mountain of three peaks Or.
Lighten your hearts and hear now the words of Baron______ and Baroness______ of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr). Having heard much of the beautiful and skilled works of _____ [recipient name] in arts of _________ [Sewing / calligraphy / illumination / etc…] and his/her time spent enhancing the world fame of Our land of Aarquelle, We hereby award [him/her] the Sun and Mountain of Aarquelle. We further bestow the right to bear the insignia To Wit: [INSERT BLAZON]. In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron___________________ Baroness____________________
Name passed April 2018 LoAR, badge passed on January 2019 LoAR
ARTS: Order of the Eagle’s Plume (Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: awarded to those who have made an effort to learn about the Arts and have implemented their new skills within the Barony of Aarquelle. As this is an Order, such recognition may be received only once.
Memorial Award: THLady Phyllis Meisterssohn
BLAZON: Azure, in bend sinister a recorder and a sinister wing both bendwise inverted, a bordure wavy argent.
(1) Unto all who come by these presents [or an applicable intro]
(2) We Baron [NAME] and Baroness [NAME] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) send Greetings
(3) It is with the knowledge that our world would be a dismal and dreary place without the grace of the Arts, we seek to reward those who give color, refinement, and sound to our lands. In recognition of [NAME] artistic merit and contribution to developing and teaching the Arts in the Barony of Aarquelle {especially in or as… [SPECIFY THE PERSON’S ARTS]}.
(4) Thus we are now minded to create [NAME] a Companion of the Order of the Eagle’s Plume that all may recognize [his/her] meritorious service to the Barony of Aarquelle, and in memory of Phyllis Meisterssohn, one of Aarquelle’s first artisans. [NAME] shall be bestowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, To wit, Azure, in bend sinister a recorder and a sinister wing both bendwise inverted, a bordure wavy argent., that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she] is held by our Barony and ourselves.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron ___________________ Baroness____________________
Name passed on March 2018 LoAR, badge passed on May 2018 LoAR
SCIENCES: Award of the Furisons of Aarquelle (Non-Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: awarded to those who have made an effort to learn about the Sciences and have implemented their new skills within the Barony of Aarquelle. This award may be received more than once. A furison is a fire striker.
BLAZON: Argent, three furisons azure and issuant from base flames gules.
Those that make a spark in the creativity of mastering skills that enhance the Barony of Aarquelle should be recognized. One such as this is [recipient’s name]. Therefore do We, Baron [name] and Baroness [name] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) bestow upon him/her the Award of the Fursions of Aarquelle. We further give the right the bear the insignia of this award To Wit: Argent, three furisons azure and issuant from base flames gules.
Given this [day] of [month] Anno Societatis {society year] being [year] Gregorian.
Baron_______. Baroness_______
Badge passed on Sept. 2017 LoAR, Name passed on March 2018 LoAR
SCIENCES: Order of the Star & Compass of Aarquelle (Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: The Star and Compass of Aarquelle is awarded to those who have developed a proficiency within the Sciences, and have implemented those skills for the betterment of the Barony of Aarquelle. This is an Order and thus may be received only once.
BLAZON: Azure, on a mullet of six points argent a compass sable, a mountain of three peaks argent.
(1) Unto all who come by these presents [or an applicable intro]
(2) We Baron [NAME] and Baroness [NAME] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) send Greetings
(3) It is widely known that the power of Science brings ease and advancement to the people of our lands. Thus, we seek to reward [NAME] dedication and pursuit of logic, enlightenment, and [his/her] contribution to developing and teaching the Sciences in the Barony of Aarquelle {especially in or as…}.
(4) Thus we are now minded to create [NAME] a Companion of the Order of the Star and Compass of Aarquelle that all may recognize [his/her] service to the Barony of Aarquelle. [NAME] shall be bestowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order, To wit, Azure, on a mullet of six points argent a compass sable, a mountain of three peaks argent, that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she] is held by our Barony and ourselves.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron ___________________ Baroness____________________
Name and badge passed on April 2018 LoAR.
SERVICE: Award of the Anvil of Aarquelle (Non-Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: The Anvil is awarded to those who seek to serve where and when they can within the Barony of Aarquelle without thought of themselves — only others. This award may be received more than once. To paraphrase an old Japanese maxim: Death is light as a feather, duty as heavy as an anvil. The anvil represents the weight of responsibility, the burden of tasks assumed, and the surface on which The Dream is forged.
BLAZON: Azure, a double-horned anvil or, a ford proper.
By the special grace of We, Baron______ and Baroness______ of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr), in consideration of the true and faithful service which Our beloved ________ [recipient’s name] has done unto Us, and our barony, without hesitation or thought for [herself/himself]. We shall give and bestow unto [him/her] the right to bear the Award of the Anvil of Aarquelle, To Wit: Azure, a double-horned anvil or, a ford proper as a token of our gratitude.In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron ___________________ Baroness____________________
Name passed on March 2018 LoAR, badge passed on May 2018 LoAR
SERVICE: Order of the Heart of Osorio (Precedence Altering)

Memorial Order; Lord Juan Osorio de Segovia of Villaléon
DESCRIPTION: Osorio’s heart is awarded to those who have continued to serve the Barony of Aarquelle through their effort, leadership and initiative. This is an Order and may be received only once.
BLAZON: Azure, on a heart Or, a brown bear statant proper.
(1) Unto all who come by these presents [or an applicable intro]
(2) We, Baron [NAME] and Baroness [NAME] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) send Greetings.
(3) Lest we forget, without Service from those who labor to create opportunities, take care of necessary details, and care for the newly met we would be nothing, and our Dream would fade into forgotten realms. We would honor those who Serve. In recognition of [his/her] contribution to the greater good in the Barony of Aarquelle {especially in or as…}.
(4) Thus we are now minded to create [NAME] a Companion of the Order of Osorio’s Heart that all may recognize [his/her] meritorious service to the Barony of Aarquelle, and in memory of Juan Osorio de Segovia a treasured member from Aarquelle’s past. [She/He] shall be bestowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order: To Wit: Azure, on a heart or, a brown bear statant proper. that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she] is held by our Barony and ourselves.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
Baron ___________________ Baroness____________________
Name and badge passed on May 2018 LoAR
CHILDREN’S: Award of the Wolves of Aarquelle (Children’s Recognition) (Non-Precedence Altering)

DESCRIPTION: awarded to youth members who have shown an exceptional interest in learning about and participating in SCA activities within the Barony. This award may be received more than once.
BLAZON: Argent, two wolves combatant azure, a mountain of three peaks vert.
(1) Unto all who come by these presents,
(2) We, Baron [NAME] and Baroness [NAME] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) send Greetings
(3) The youth of our lands are our future, and as such, we would honor whose efforts prove commendable. Be it widely proclaimed that [NAME] has shown a willingness to learn and grow to enhance our Barony by [specifics].
(4) We do publicly commend and do hereby present him/her with the Award of the Wolves of Aarquelle. We further charge [him/her] to continue throughout life in this spirit and with the high hopes in which [he/she] is held by our Barony and ourselves. We further confer upon [him/her] the right to bear the badge, To Wit, Argent, two wolves combatant azure, a mountain of three peaks vert.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
______, Baron ______, Baroness
Name passed on March 2018 LoAR, badge passed on May 2018 LoAR
EXEMPLAR: Order of the Eagle and Sun of Aarquelle (Exemplars of Aarquelle) (Precedence Altering)

Text Editor module
Memorial Award; Baroness Catelin O’Kelley
DESCRIPTION: awarded to those whom the B&B regard as exemplars of Aarquelle’s reputation for hospitality, service and courtesy. Awarded no more than twice per year, at a major Aarquellan event (local). It may be received only once.
BLAZON: Azure, a winged sun or within a bordure wavy argent.
(1&2) Unto all who come by these presents We, Baron [NAME] and Baroness [NAME] of Aarquelle (do not use “of” for Audrey & Teigr) send Greetings
(3) Lo, there do we see the line of our people back to the beginning. Their legacy of service and their steadfast commitment to The Dream still inspires us today. We now seek to honor those who have gone before by recognizing those members of our populace who are exemplars of Aarquelle’s reputation for hospitality, service and courtesy. This award is in remembrance of Catelin O’Kelley.
(4) We do publicly commend [NAME] and do hereby prefer and advance (him/her/<name of recipient>) to the Order of the Eagle and Sun of Aarquelle [She/He] shall be bestowed with all rights and responsibilities of this rank, including the right to bear the badge of the Order: Azure, a winged sun or within a bordure wavy argent., that all may know of the high esteem in which [he/she] is held by our Barony and ourselves.
(5) In testimony whereof We have set Our Hands on this ___ day of _____, in the _____ Year of the Society, being ______ in the common reckoning of years.
______, Baron ______, Baroness
Name and badge passed April 2018 LoAR